Thursday, October 30, 2014

Reply by ANC2B Candidate Ed Hanlon to Yesterday's SALM Post about Temporary Protection Order

Yesterday (October 29), I published a post about a Temporary Protection Order taken out against an ANC candidate by a neighbor. Today, I am publishing the candidate's complete and unedited reply, as I promised.

Dear Mr. McAuley:

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to assertions that I and a neighbor were acting improperly when we attempted to observe and document the on-going construction of a large outdoor deck and carport which covers 100% of an entire back yard in the 1500 block of T Street. This deck blocks the view of other neighbors, crosses over a century old right-of-way that serves four other dwellings and nine other households, and violates multiple sections of the building code. When completed, this deck will have outdoor speakers and lights sitting atop 4 poles more than 18 feet above the ground.

I and other neighbors have opposed the construction of this deck and we are currently taking legal action to halt its construction or alter its design. Because of our successful efforts, DCRA revoked the previous permit issued for this deck.

The homeowners who have built this deck have filed various complaints against multiple neighbors over the last 12 months, not just me, and are presently involved in litigation with at least four other neighbors over this deck. And they have repeatedly complained to the police about a number of their other neighbors. The police have repeatedly told these homeowners that I and other neighbors have the legal right to be where we were and do what we were doing. The police investigated the numerous complaints and have told the deck owners most recently in writing that "[M]embers of MPD determined that no crime had been committed." The deck owners after learning that the police had investigated their numerous accusations and found no wrong doing on my part or on the part of any of their other neighbors, nevertheless, got upset with the police and went down to the Superior Court and filed their own baseless handwritten accusations against two of their neighbors when the police refused to do so, and even after the police told them there was no wrong doing.

But there’s something even more serious and disturbing I wish to address here. As you know, I am a candidate for ANC Commissioner in ANC2B09. This is a serious election and my campaign message has been received with considerable enthusiasm. And, this has frustrated some of those who support my opponent.

Surely as a reporter, you must have thought it strange that you received court documents 'thrown over the transom' at night, a week before the election from a source that you said wishes to remain "Anonymous" with no police report thrown over the transom with them supporting any of the alleged and fabricated incidents. That is because there is no such police report.

This neighborhood deserves a serious debate on the issues affecting our community, not dirty tricks. The reason I am running for ANC commissioner is that I have seen how frivolously building and zoning code variances are endorsed by our current ANC commissioner that negatively affect the historic and residential character of our neighborhood, and the lives of its people. This is something I hope to change. I also want to do something proactive about our rising crime problem, and our horrible parking situation. And I want to help protect the residents living near commercial establishments from trash, rodents and excessive noise.

These are the things I intend to focus on, not unfounded complaints or mischievous political games.



Ed Hanlon

End text of reply.

See a .pdf file of the original letter here.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 4, but early voting centers in nine neighborhood areas opened on October 25. There is also early voting downtown at Judiciary Square.


  1. After reading this response Noah has my vote.

  2. Noah Smith is not smart to resort to this type of negative campaigning in our district. It was bad enough for his kooky supporter in the 1400 block of Swann to tear down all opposition posters there (yes Noah there are 2 "n"'s in Swann St). I feel we're dealing with a ideologue who considers different opinions not as constructive but blasphemy.

    I served as this neighborhood's ANC for 8 important years and we have a tradition of consensus of both residents' and business needs. This rightward shift to thinking corporations are the only people that matter is bizarre and at least gives the appearance of corruption.

    1. Tom, to try and place the blame on Noah for the negativeness surrounding Ed Hanlon's run is just wrong - it is coming from Hanlon's neighbors who have suffered from his actions. Noah, if anything, has always tried to bring people together. I have never heard anything negative from him and I have seen him at many ANC meetings. Noah is so respected after one term he was elected to by Dupont ANC's Chair. If Ed were to get elected, he would just likely end up suing the other ANC members as he does his neighbors. Oh, by the way, make sure not to improve your property, even if you are well within your legal rights to do, because Ed will sue you for that too.

    2. "Anonymous" : It seems clear that the owner was acting illegally in building on 100% and her neighbors had every right to complain and the city and police backed them up.

      Sorry but this is a negative personal attack and no more on issues than ripping down opposing posters by Smith's supporters late at night. It's not the way we do things here.

    3. You have to remain "anonymous" or Ed will sue you. By the way, again, you don't know your facts, the residents had a DCRA permit when they built the deck.

  3. Mr. Hanlon can try to characterize his temporary restraining order however he wants and will apparently have to do so in court. As someone who lives in the neighborhood (and not the homeowner who filed the complaint), I know that there are several residents on and around Swann Street who have had to deal with intrusive conduct from him: photographing, videotaping, etc. of any work done on their property (even with appropriate permits). In fact, just look at the number of incumbent Noah Smith signs in the homes of residents of his own block - 1500 block of Swann ST. You will be hard pressed to find any resident on his block who supports him. They only signs for "Ed" Hanlon on the street are the ones on his own house and the ones he has illegally posted throughout the neighborhood. (DOT rules only allow a maximum of 3 signs per block). Anyone who walks through ANC 2B09 can see the massive littering of "Ed" Hanlon signs throughout the neighborhood, well in excess of what is allowed.

    The hypocrisy of this candidate knows no bounds. He is running on a campaign of "historic preservation," yet he has an eyesore of a roof deck (non-historic in every conceivable way) on his own deteriorating house that can easily be seen from the street. He also is running a campaign on "reduction in crime" when he himself has a restraining order against him. Pretty incredible.

  4. The purpose of the ANC is to bring neighbors together and try to find a solution. Ed has never tried to have a conversation with his neighbors over his grievances about the various projects that he complains about. He simply starts filing lawsuit after lawsuit. Many neighbors have reported him taking pictures of their property and suddenly they'll get a visit from DCRA or the historic trust. Ed is not suited for being an ANC commissioner.

    Ed, if you want to add to the historic look of the neighborhood, why did you build a deck that the Historic Preservation Review Board complained about? And you actually used to brag about defeating them. If you win, are you going to put your house and deck in compliance with historic standards?

  5. The only "considerable enthusiasm" for his campaign is from him and a handful of fools who he has convinced to participate in his multiple lawsuits against neighbors and who are now suddenly finding their own reputations degraded due to their association with him. Noah Smith will win because he is an upstanding, smart, and good guy who was elected by his colleagues to head the Dupont ANC. He believes in bringing people together rather than serving as a toxic force in the neighborhood pitting neighbor against neighbor. Hanlon thinks he can win simply by plastering the neighborhood with signs (in violation of the law) while hiding his past actions. Not going to work.

  6. Noah's comments sure got posted fast. What happened to the one I put in this morning?

  7. "Ed" is plastering our beautiful and historic neighborhood with his signs and posters at night time when no one is out; he is yet to ever actually discuss or introduce himself to any neighbors and let them know he is running for ANC. Someone who is running for office should be out talking to neighbors and discussing his ideas and plans and not just polluting our cars and homes with his posters where he promises things that ANC has no control over. He doesn't want to talk to any neighbors because we all know who he really is...a creepy old grouch who violates laws that we all follow.

  8. Mr. "Ed"
    The courthouse doesn't give out restraining orders just because someone went to the court house and filed for one. Clearly the court felt you were someone who could cause harm to his own neighbors and grated the order. You are running for ANC in a neighborhood where you can't even be in all parts of the area due to the restraining order...I certainly don't want someone like that as my ANC...I'm not even in your ANC area but you annoy me that much.

    1. and how much connection to the neighborhood does Noah Smith have? He stays on New Hampshire Avenue and was looking for another apartment one year ago. His "issues" are all rubberstamps of citywide issues his group espouses with no support for residents' parking, extension of the circulator to 16th and U, or rat curtailment from the cafes. He actually took a legal party stand against neighbors who were seeking a voluntary agreement to lessen trash and rat problems.

      We've had plenty of neighbor complaints about adjacent expansion but never have had an instance where the ANC actively opposed neighbors seeking a nuisance abatement voluntary agreement. That is not neighbor-friendly. But then Noah Smith is not our neighbor.

  9. Doesn't it seem the real story here is that a woman with too much money and gall moves into the neighborhood and gets caught illegally building on 100% of her lot and promptly files restraining orders on all her neighbors who complain? There may very well be a screw loose here.

    1. Tom, apparently you don't know the facts here. The residents of that house received a permit from DCRA and later received a variance when there was a challenge to the permit (by Hanlon and company). There was never any illegal construction. If the court has issued a restraining order, I am sure there was a good reason. Apparently you have never been on the receiving end of Hanlon's intrusions (potentially unlawful). I hope for your sake that doesn't happen to you. It doesn't matter if you comply with the law or not.

    2. If the 100% lot occupancy was by code there would not have to have been a variance (a serious matter as opposed to a "special exception") applied for.

      If the BZA is granting 100% lot occupancy variances in residential R-4 zones here that's something appalling that most of us would fight vigorously. And if Hanlon and his neighbors brought that to attention good for them.

      Does Noah Smith support 100% lot coverage in R-4 residential?

  10. and there are zero Ed signs in the 1400 Block of Swann because Smith's kooky "anonymous" there tore them all down late at night. Late night destruction and "anonymous" by we all know who comments don't show any integrity.

    1. T and T ConstructionOctober 31, 2014 at 3:04 PM

      Integrity is indeed very important.

    2. Yeah, the neighborhood now only has 998 "Ed" signs rather than the original 1,000. I am sure it was done by disgusted neighbors just sick of the ridiculous and obsessive proliferation of "Ed" signs everywhere you look.

  11. Tom,

    People with money are the ones who are helping improve this neighborhood and our rising home values. You should be thankful. Ed wants this neighborhood to go back to what it was 20 years ago when he first moved here. He probably wants all the houses to be full of prostitutes again. He is against change and improvement. Not to mention, the city gave that "woman with too much money" the original permit to build her deck to 100% occupancy. If you want more space, move to the country, don't live in a city if you want space and plentiful parking.

    1. No one is more of an urbanist than I am and not a single person has given as much or worked as hard for improvement of the neighborhood as i have. After my lover was murdered out front I spent eight years getting 25 stay-away orders on drug dealers and begged and pleaded to get our first nice cafe, Utopia, approved by the city and the building owner. For many years all my annual leave was spent working to make this neighborhood safe and desirable to live in and building a consensus of neighbors and businesses.

      And I'm for much greater density than we now have. But expanding the space a single unit has is not greater density. It's a suburban mindset that requires great rooms, exercise rooms and multiple baths for each person. That's not urbanism, that's making us more suburban. Urbanism is many more units of more urban dimensions.

      But again, does Noah Smith support 100% lot occupancy in R-4 residential?

    2. and didn't this 100% lot occupancy include a multiple-car garage? plentiful parking seems to be on the other side's wish list.

    3. I can't speak for Noah's position on lot occupancy, but I know one thing, he certainly would be respectful enough not to repeatedly intrude upon a neighbor.

    4. well Noah Smith had no problem going to a legal hearing as a legal party opposed to neighbors trying to get a voluntary agreement on rat abatement. That's the first time I've ever heard of a sitting ANC member being a legal party against neighbors and that's not very neighborly. But then he's not our neighbor.

      And building your house out to 100% lot occupancy isn't very neighborly. And getting frivilous restraining orders against several neighbors who complain isn't very neighborly.

      But most of all, starting a vicious negative personal attack campaign about an adjacent neighbor dispute that happens all the time in DC instead of taking positions on important issues is a despicable tactic that should not be condoned. It's the sign of an immature ideologue who thinks he has found the one great truth and any means to furthering it's goal is valid.

      It also is a great way to avoid the important issues when you know the majority disagree with you or when you just don't have any thinking on important neighborhood issues but are just seeking personal enhancement.

    5. If you want to talk about frivolous cases, look no further than your candidate - Ed Hanlon. He challenged a roof deck on Swann St that had all necessary permits and historical approvals - not once, but three times! He challenged it at the BZA and lost 4-0 and then he filed a Motion for Reconsideration and lost again 4-0. He was pretty much laughed out of the BZA. You could watch the video online and see the BZA's reaction. Despite his repeated losses, he is now challenging the same roof deck, which again has always had all necessary permits and approvals, at the DC Court of Appeals. Why? Because, in his own words, he is afraid that someone can now look into his bedroom and see "the color of slippers." I kid you not. It is in the record several times. Yes, this is the candidate you are aligning yourself with. The irony, of course, is that he has a massive, non-conforming deck that is an eyesore in the neighborhood and towers over everyone else's homes, and now is suddenly interested the historic integrity of the community..

      And, by the way, don't try to impugn Noah's character by saying he is behind an attack on Hanlon. It is Hanlon's own actions that have made his entire street want to vote against him and are actively working to make sure he doesn't represent the neighborhood on the ANC. And, by the way, just because Noah doesn't live next to you doesn't make him any less part of our neighborhood.

  12. Tom, fortunately for "Ed," there are hundreds of other "Ed" signs that he could move from the places where he has placed them illegally (only 3 signs per block allowed by DC law) to fill the gap on the 1400 block of Swann St.

  13. Ed Hanlon climbed a 2 story ladder at my house and took pictures. It's no surprise to me that he got a restraining order. I only wish I was there when he did it. Noah is not involved in this. But there is a whole group of neighbors who have had similar experiences with Ed. He's a peeping Tom. He's a bully who intimates people by constantly initiating lawsuits against them. He also has Maryland tags on his car. There's something wrong with him.

  14. Tom, this is not a matter of the policy of one candidate versus the other. It's not about Noah at all, and I don't know his views about lot occupancy. It's about Ed Hanlon entering other people's property and getting caught multiple times. He entered a closed gate on my property and climbed a ladder onto my deck, and submitted the pictures to the BZA (and didn't get a single vote from them). It's about the fact that Ed has been before a judge and will get arrested if he visits some of his potential future constituents. Do you support that or don't you? If you agree with his positions, that's fine. But he's not fit to represent his neighbors. It also happens that he registered his car in MD and had an illegal basement apartment for a decade. But that's just the icing on the cake.

  15. After reading Hanlon's response, I'm definitely voting for Noah Smith. Quick summary of Hanlon's response: doesn't address the content of the Protection Order, proceeds to spew that he's right about that damned deck.

    The clue phone is ringing here big time, folks. I'm sticking with Noah's performance as our ANC rep: professional, courteous, even-handed, and best of all lacking any history with our court system.

    1. Except when he was a legal party opposing residents trying to get a rat abatement voluntary agreement.

  16. Tom, I respect that you spent so much time building consensus between neighbors and businesses. Hanlon has done the opposite. Neighbors get permits and licensed contractors for their work. Hanlon never reaches out to anyone to address any problem he may have. Instead he sneaks photographs and writes legal appeals dozens of pages long, forcing people to get attorneys involved, when he could have at least tried to build some consensus.

    1. Well that's a personal dispute between neighbors that many have of us are familiar with happening 1000 times and does not concern the issues which are being drowned out. It's a negative personal campaign instead of a discussion of the issues.

      Personally even if Attilla the Hun is a candidate I still want to know where they stand on important issues here (and what they have done about them if they're the incumbent). Those issues are expanding residential parking, getting the Georgetown Circulator extended to 16th and U immediately as it's past due, whether the proposed express lanes for buses on 16th are a good idea for us, trash collection and rat abatement issues, crime including delivery thefts and car break-ins not to mention continuing drug dealing at 14th and Riggs which caused a shooting last year, how the zoning update will affect 15th street for commercial stores and R-4 rowhouses being used for day care centers and such, and how much liquor and how much retail we want in our commercial mix. There are serious issues of pedestrian safety crossing 14th that I care about too.

      But as someone with an incredible personal investment in our neighborhood I am offended by a personal matter negative campaign. instead.

    2. T and T ConstructionOctober 31, 2014 at 3:03 PM

      If it's a thirst for issues you have, this very blog has today published a Q&A with Noah Smith, while reporting Ed Hanlon's failure to provide a response:

      "On October 14, I sent Hanlon (and Smith) the questions below, and set a deadline of October 28. At an ANC candidates' night on October 16, Hanlon told me he intended to respond. On October 28, he sent me an email asking for a few more hours to consider his answers. I was happy to grant this very reasonable request. Since then, I have not received answers from him. I have sent him two reminders. Given that the election is next Tuesday, I am publishing Smith's response."

  17. Tom, You need to do some research before you vote on Tuesday....You are not well informed enough to make a decision at this point. You are getting all the facts wrong, labeling people you don't know, and commenting on things you are not aware of. Its hard to believe that Ed Hanlon represents you. We need someone who brings people together, and makes this neighborhood a better place to live. Have you've seen Hanlon's house? Is that what you want our neighborhood to look like? Have you've ever talked to him? Have you've ever read the appeals he filed against his neighbors? This should be your homework for the weekend before you vote.

  18. And the only reason this has turned negative because it is the environment that "Ed" Hanlon has created in this area. Neighbor after neighbor has been victimized by his obsessive harassment and intrusions. I think the moral fabric of a candidate does matter - - so, no, I wouldn't vote for Attilla the Hun or "Ed" Hanlon regardless of their campaign promises. I agree with the previous commenter - some homework should be done.

  19. Tom, You are the one with a "loose screw here" (quoting your comment above). If expanding residential parking is a priority for you and your candidate "Ed" why are you and him against the homeowners who are building a parking space in their backyard? Homework is highly recomended before you decide to oppose a project and publicly comment on facts you don't know. Many of the neighborhood's priorities you list above are part of Noah's agenda. Ed's empty promisses will take this neighborhood nowhere. After you do some research you will end up voting for Noah.

  20. How desperate with all of those signs
    And the lies that he tells to malign
    Nocturnally he howls
    Like a banshee moving bowels, and
    Old Rocky growls at the swine

    No corner, post, intersection
    Is spared of signs in every direction
    Still he will lose
    And clean up this abuse
    Not succeeding at buying this election

    And then he'll return to his blight
    Screaming "Rocky I'm not happy" at night
    Suing all that live near
    Hating and spreading fear
    Of the bully that seeks a court fight

    Life's too short to let bullies run free
    Elect Noah, and let others be

  21. Who is running for this seat, anyway? "Ed" Hanlon? Or Tom and Elwen Farris?

    They have broken election laws by posting far more signs than allowed. They have repeatedly stuffed US Mailboxes with their paraphernalia -- even after my neighbor asked them to stop. They have gone onto private property to plaster neighbor's cars with fliers. Our entire neighborhood is littered with their wasteful campaign fliers.

    Meanwhile, Tom won't engage in constructive debate online or in person; all he can do is cast aspersions on Noah's character, with no proof whatsoever. And Elwen is going door to door, spreading rumors and fearmongering. No one has heard boo from "Ed."

    This is not what I want in a neighbor, much less in my local government.

    Happily cast my vote for Noah Smith this morning.

  22. Tom, the only "personal matter negative campaign" is coming from your camp.

    Stop pretending Noah Smith has stooped to the level that you, Elwin, and "Ed" have.

  23. Another 2B09 NeighorNovember 6, 2014 at 12:47 AM

    Well, it is wonderful to see that, despite the wasteful and illegal campaign signage/flyers and the overly-aggressive tactics of the "Ed" crew, the neighborhood came together and rallied to re-elect (by a 2 to 1 margin) a candidate with integrity. One has to wonder how much damage the reputations of Ramon, Tom, and Elwin have sustained as a result of their latching on to a candidate like "Ed" Hanlon to "try to take back the neighborhood."

    1. RIP, Itty Bitty Snitty Committee
